RBI to withdraw 2,000 rupee notes from circulation; To remain as legal Tender

RBI to withdraw 2,000 rupee notes from circulation; To remain as legal Tender

The Reserve Bank of India has decided to withdraw Rs 2,000 denomination banknotes from circulation. Citizens can either deposit these notes in their bank accounts or exchange them by 30 September this year. The RBI has clarified that Rs 2,000 notes will continue to be legal tender.

In a statement released today, the Reserve Bank of India has announced its decision to withdraw the ₹2000 denomination banknotes from circulation in pursuance of the “Clean Note Policy”. The RBI has stated that people can deposit Rs 2,000 banknotes up to a limit of ₹20,000/- into their bank accounts or exchange them into banknotes of other denominations at any bank branch or at 19 Regional Offices of RBI from Tuesday till 30 September 2023.

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